Otherwise, it is boring and grindy to play. The only thing this game has going for it are the visuals. Better luck next time and hopefully they learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately all I got back was some lame excuse of player choice and “new and interesting dynamics” which really translates to “ the first was so great and we made lots of money, we just want more!” I’ve since deleted the app with much regret and disappointment in what’s become MMX. I had such high hopes for this game and even reached out to the developer trying to understand why they would willingly ruin such a great IP. It’s all mostly locked away behind pay walls and chance. Update: sadly the game did not live up to its predecessor. Can it be fixed? Probably, will they? Who knows, the game potential is there, but we’ll just have to see where the game direction ends up. The micro transactions were still there if you did not want to grind out the time ( which I did in some cases) but honestly this new version feels like a greedy cash grab over the quality of gameplay I’ve come to love from this developer. Where as before it came down to how much did you want to play. I play the original version of this game and feel as though it may still be superior to the second installment due to the fact that upgrading vehicle types to their next tier are now a chance game. A lot of potential, just not executed with the player in mind. It’s the same problem that existed with the first game only now there’s more chances to spend your real money with a multiplayer component, but even with that it’s the dreaded fuel usage issues with games that require you to either pay for fuel just to play, or wait 2 hours for your fuel to refill to race one more time.
#Mmx hill dash 2 reviews upgrade
You can’t beat the higher up levels unless you upgrade the vehicles to comparable levels which take skill and ability out of the equation, so your forced to replay the same track over and over and over again nickel and diming your way through the upgrade component to finally complete the track. If you aren’t going to buy your way into qualified vehicles/upgrades, your forced to replay the sales levels over and over again inching slightly farther than your last dozen attempts as you inch your way up the upgrade ranks to finally beat the levels. Skill/ability does not factor in this game as much as it should. Now let’s take a look at some really crazy racing on the mobile with MMX Hill Dash 2.It’s nice they redid this and came up with some new features, but what handcuffed the original version is exactly what makes this version just more of the same. Hefty monetary bets are placed upon such offroad races, even going so far as to bet their car’s title on winning so if they lose the race they will have to give up their car! Well, that’s definitely not for me as I’m not such a high risk taker, preferring to race on open, flat stretches of highway where no law enforcement or traffic is around. I have no idea why people do that to a perfectly good suspension as it makes it ride like a horse wagon! Most of these kinds of people often like to tinker endlessly with their cars and/or trucks, modifying them way outside original factory specifications, adding snake oil like Amsoil, platinum tipped spark plugs and even cheap spacers also known as coil assisters to jack up the suspension and make it much more stiff.
#Mmx hill dash 2 reviews drivers
Racing on dirt roads with a four wheeler that has a rather high center of gravity (and is thus prone to tipping or outright flipping over) is preferable to many and those brave drivers are the true adrenaline junkies, always in the mood for a high stakes race. Everyone loves a good race and the more exotic the vehicles used the better it seems.